Finally In…

December 29, 2007 at 7:36 pm (Uncategorized)

In PursuitWhile it might seem that certain “others” have pushed me enough to finally enter the blogging world, I have to admit that it has been something that i have wanted to do for a long time. I was just waiting for the right time and purpose…hence the name. Those that know me know that I’m not the best with words. I like to say that i speak best in beats. However, those people also know that i am passionate about what i do and what i enjoy. While i’m sure it will be used for many things, it is my hope that this blog can help people understand what i’m passionate about and why. Even more so i hope that it encourage others to share in my same passion to grasp and go hard after the life God intended for us all. At the very least, it will hold me accountable to my own passions should my vision ever fade. I hope to do this often and i’m excited to see how it challenges myself and hopefully others too.


  1. bethieboo said,

    i added you roomie 🙂

  2. michaelbreza said,

    Good luck with the blog…The link to my blog is incorrect. You have WordPress has two “s.” The irony.

  3. Jon Smock said,

    I absolutely LOVE the name. It’s perfect.

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